Affordable Acupuncture Services at Chattanooga

Acupuncture is a therapeutic process under the umbrella of Chinese Medicine, whose recorded origin is based in China. A treatment consists of the insertion of hair-fine, filiform needles into acupuncture points on various areas of the body. The points used are dictated by the symptoms exhibited by the patient. Studies have shown or demonstrated evidence of changes of blood flow, immune response, endocrine response, activation of metabolic pathways, and other physiological changes during acupuncture treatment. Most patients report feeling relaxed and/or rejuvenated after treatments.

Acupuncture Chattanooga

Follow Up Treatments

Most treatment plans will consist of multiple treatments and follow-up treatments are scheduled after the initial treatment. The follow-up treatment will begin with a discussion of the results of your previous treatment, your progress, and any questions or concerns you may have. A physical examination will take place every treatment, so your tongue's shape, color, and coating, your pulse, and any additional physical examinations necessary will be performed. Depending on your results from previous treatments and overall progress, your treatment strategy will be fine-tuned to best serve your needs.