Acupuncture is best for better health. Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, waking up early or a disturbance in sleep quality that makes sleep seem inadequate or un-refreshing. This can be attributed to sleep apnea, and other times the cause can be psychologically based, or unknown.
Mood swings, irritability and anxiety can be traced back to inadequate sleep or insomnia. If left untreated, this can lead to chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, breast cancer and more, according to studies.
Modern, Western medicine likes to prescribe drugs which work to calm the Central Nervous System (CNS), however, these tend to have counter-productive side-effects. With all the caffeinated beverages and other stimulates, and increasing stress, it’s no wonder Americans are rife with sleepless nights.
According to Dr. Alison Johnson, professor at Southwest Acupuncture College, Sante Fe, and Five Branches University of Ca., Acupuncture, Chinese medicine, is a holistic and effective remedy for insomnia. Chinese medicine believes each patient is different and should be treated as an individual. Therefore, they believe that each person’s insomnia should be treated based on their symptoms. They believe the reasons insomnia develops may include: emotional stress (especially anger, worry and excessive thinking), prolonged illness that weakens the body, a constitutional weakness of the person (which manifests as cowardice, timidity, fearfulness and indecisiveness) and an improper diet. In Chinese medicine, it is said that human and nature are one. In health, the sun rises in the morning, reaches its peak at mid-day, and sets in the evening. It brings warmth, activity and energy during the daytime and when we are most active naturally. At night, the sun does not shine and the darkness and coolness is a time of quiescence, rest and rejuvenation. This is the yang (activity, warmth, sunlight) and yin (darkness, quiescence and rejuvenation) of life observed outside and inside the human. Yin and yang are entwined. They rely on each other for sustenance and balance. The human being has the same cycle as nature.
When there is insomnia, the quiescent nature of night is not being followed by the human and often the active nature of day is disturbed due to the lack of rejuvenation at night. The Chinese medicine practitioner is tasked with restoring this natural cycle. Treating the root of insomnia is paramount in Chinese medicine. Pharmaceuticals, herbal cures or supplements usually only treat the branch (symptom) of insomnia. These are only temporary treatments.
In addition to acupuncture and other modalities, you may also need to make lifestyle changes in order to treat, not just manage insomnia.
It is up to you, the patient, to work with your practitioner to resolve your emotional and possibly physical issues (diet) which are contributing to your insomnia.
You need to return to natural life. Not worrying, which relies on the past and the future. When there is no anger, with exceptions, and there is no excessive thinking and we learn to live in the moment, we can have alignment and return to a natural life, disease can be resolved.
If there is one thing everyone agrees on is that sleep is paramount for good health. Poor sleep contributes to everything from inability to lose weight to faster aging, to making poor decisions.
Acupuncture has been effective in improving sleep activity and quality as well as the melatonin production. Acupuncture can be done during your lunch hour or after work.
Acupuncture is great for overall health, from stress and insomnia to PMS, hormone balancing, acne, menopause, digestive issues, high cholesterol to chronic pain (back pain).
Some people notice some mild improvement after the first treatment, however, it may take several treatments to start noticing changes in your body. You’ve spent years accumulating bad habits, building stress and living with toxins.
At Moore Road MediSpa they have a professional, experienced Acupuncturist who can help evaluate your symptoms and treat your insomnia or other health concerns. Call them today and start feeling better tomorrow.