With hectic schedules and constant changes, we need to be able to be flexible, creative and mindful. Mindful of how mental stress affects our physical health, including our skin and many other organs in our body. Mindfulness means being here and now, in the moment. Not thinking about yesterday, or tomorrow.
Taking care of yourself is not selfish; you may have heard this by now, but if not, this is your permission, your mission, to take care of yourself first. If you don’t you won’t have your health. Not only are these great for self-care and self-love, they are instrumental in anti-aging.
Below will be several self-care tips for your body & soul.
1 Stop Over-Thinking. We aren’t expected to solve all of life’s riddles. Life is unfolding, a discovering and an adventure. Over-thinking can lead to problems otherwise not present. You can miss out on the journey if you’re too busy worrying. Worrying can also lead to physical health issues which can become chronic, lifelong health problems. With age comes; wisdom, experience and perspective. Several suggestions for over-thinking include: meditation, yoga, massage. You can use a journal to release negative feelings and focus on positive. You can also write down negative feelings and thoughts and then destroy the piece of paper, releasing these memories, feelings.
2 Get enough sleep. There are so many amazing health benefits to getting quality sleep; one, it improves your memory (and who doesn’t want more help here), two, it extends your lifespan and three it helps your body heal itself. Need we say more? Suggestions: massage, facial, acupuncture (Cory put link here to one of their other blogs).
3 Eat Healthy. Eat super healthy all day. Make conscious decisions from breakfast to dinner including snacks. One day at a time. You will feel better physically and mentally. This way you are creating healthy habits, one step, one day at a time. If you have trouble with cravings, especially sweet, these cravings only last 90 seconds. Drink a glass a water or eat some fruit. Start your day with a glass of water, this will set the tone for the day, but also help with dehydration and detoxing.
4 Stop Comparing yourself to others. Comparing yourself with envy robs you of appreciation for the sacred place your life is in at any given moment. Everyone has their own journey. Use this emotion to lead you to take actions to advance your goals.
5 Take actions that scare you. Be courageous. Be bold. It’s easy to find a hundred excuses for why you’re not ready to do something you’ve dreamed of, reach out to someone who could change your life, apply for that job you’ve always wanted. Remind yourself how short life is. In the end, any discomfort or rejection won’t really matter. The only way to achieve things you want is to take bold actions. If something scares you deeply, it means you want it deeply. Acupuncture can help (link).
6 Eat Green. Greens and more greens. The more you eat the, the more your tastebuds change and you realize just how delicious food from the earth truly is. The lighter you feel, the better your skin looks the more energy you have. It’s so easy to slack on healthy eating whenever we’re feeling down or overwhelmed, which only makes us feel worse. Stop and remind yourself to nourish your body, no matter what, you’ll be able to take empowered steps forward.
A few other self-care tips you may already be familiar with:
7 Don’t live on Social Media; pretty self-explanatory. Watch less TV. Instead of wasting away on the couch, draining your brain, find a new hobby. This hobby could lead to new friends or a new, vibrant business you are passionate about. Relax, have a girls day out, guys or couples, at the spa for massages & facials. (blog link)
8 Breathe deeply. Take long dep luscious breaths way down into your diaphragm. Several deep breaths can relieve anxiety, cleanse your energy and ease any overwhelm you may be experiencing. Your breath is your super power. You can do this anytime of day or night. Practice at home and also use this technique at work to relieve stress and have more clarity.
9 Partner with a Really Nice Person. Who needs a bad— (in the arrogant, self-centered, high school maturity level sense of the term)? Being nice is way sexier, more secure, more comforting, more loving, more stable and all round more awesome. Having someone you share commonalities with makes work and life more fun. It also creates endorphins which are good for overall health, especially if you’re laughing and relaxing.
And just Be You. You are perfect. You are invaluable. You are enough.
If you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will.
Call Moore Road MediSpa they offer a variety of self-care services (facials, massages, acupuncture, laser and more) to help you relax and feel better physically and mentally. Their professional staff is waiting to help you look and feel your best.